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**Cancellation Policy**
If you must cancel or reschedule your appointment, we respectfully request at least 48-hours’ notice. Cancellations or missed appointments without 48-hour notice will result in a charge of part or all the service amounts. A non-refundable deposit will be required if you miss your appointment twice.
If no confirmation response is received from our calls or texts, your appointment will be cancelled.
***All and any color or haircut corrections/dislikes need to be communicated to your stylist
within 3 days of your original service date. Anything reported after 3 days of service will be a regular appointment service charge.
***Highlight, Color, Color Melting Ombre, Balayage and Painting prices don’t include a haircut or blow out.
***Prices may vary depending upon length, thickness or texture. Ask for price consultation before services are performed. All prices are subject to change.